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WE, the member of EKTA NAVNIRMAN TRUST make ourselves committed to improve the quality of lives of the weaker and deprived sections of the society. We are committed to promote the fraternity and to make a civilized society where no human right violation of the weaker and the deprived can take place and such people can live their lives with dignity and self respect. We are committed to make these people educated, economically self sufficient and skillful to become self employed. We are committed to object to and eradicate the discrimination in all its forms and manifestations on grounds of caste, religion, sex, etc.

WE dream to make the society civilized, egalitarian, tolerant and full of respect, dignity and justice for the peaceful co-existence. We are committed to help the weaker and deprived sections of the society through all means to live a respectable life and to enable them in contributing to the development of the nation. We pledge to accomplish these high ideals with all our possible resources and integrated and coordinated efforts. To attain and strive towards our objectives and to realize our dream, we do hereby unanimously adopt and give to ourselves this EKTA NAVNIRMAN Trust deed on this Eleventh day of April 2016.

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