
Shiksha Sahayog Yojana –

This scheme provides scholarships to students whose parents are living below or marginally above poverty line & who are covered under Janashree Bima Yojana.

Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan –

The Scheme of Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan is a national flagship program & is being implemented in all districts of India. The aim of this scheme is to provide useful and relevant elementary education for all children in the age group of 6-14 years by 2010.

Saakshar Bharat –

The main objective of Saakshar Bharat is to further promote and strengthen Adult Education, especially of women, by extending educational options. To implement this scheme, 1.70 lacs Lok Shiksha Kendras (Adult Education Centers) are established in Panchayat grams of the districts covered under the Scheme. The benefit of Shakshar Bharat Yojna can be availed by contacting Lok Shiksha Kendras in various regions.

Kanya Saaksharta Protsahan Yojna –

Objective of this scheme is to reduce the dropout rate & to increase the interest of Tribal Girl Students to continue their study. Rs. 500 is given to those girls who continue study in class VI, Rs. 1000 to girls who get admission in IX & Rs. 2000 to girls who gets admission in XI.

Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidyalaya Yojna–

This program is especially for promoting girls education. There are 3500 Kasturba Balika Vidyalaya. These schools also have hostel facility for girls of 5th to 8th class.

Schemes for Elementary Education

With the formulation of National Policy on Education, India initiated a wide range of programmes for achieving the goal through several schematic and Programme interventions, such as

• Operation Black Board,

• Shiksha Karmi Project,

• Lok Jumbish Programme,

• Mahila Samakhya ,

• District Primary Education Programme

Schemes for Secondary Education

The policy at present is to make secondary education of good quality available, accessible and affordable to all young persons in the age group of 14-18. At present, the following schemes targeted at secondary stage (i.e. class IX to XII) are being implemented in the form of Centrally Sponsored Schemes:

• Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan

• Model Schools Scheme

• Girls Hostel Scheme

• ICT @ Schools

• Inclusive Education for Disabled at Secondary Stage

• Scheme of Vocational Education

• National Merit-cum-Means Scholarship Scheme

• Incentives to Girls for Secondary Education

• Appointment of Language Teachers

• Quality Education in Madrasas

• Scholarship schemes for Minority students

• National Scholarships

The National Council for Educational Research and Training (NCERT) promotes educational development both in quantitative and qualitative terms and makes special efforts to remove disparities and equalize educational opportunities for all students. NCERT acknowledges and appreciates educational brilliance in students through the National Talent Search Scheme. It also seeks to applaud artistic distinction through the Chacha Nehru Scholarships - for artistic and innovative excellence. The National Bal Bhawan has instituted a system of honouring talented children in different age groups in the year 1995 through the Bal Shree scheme.

Schemes for Higher Education

Following are some significant fellowship schemes/scholarships awarded by the various institutions:

• National Scholarships

• Post-Doctoral Research Fellow (Scheme)

• Junior Research Fellowships for biomedical sciences

• All India Council for Technical Education Scholarships

• Department of Science and Technology grants and fellowships

• DST's Scholarship Scheme for Women Scientists and Technologists

• Biotechnology fellowships for doctoral and postdoctoral studies by DBT

• Scholarships /Awards at Undergraduate & Postgraduate level in various science courses at the University of Delhi

• Fellowships/Scholarships/Awards by the Jawaharlal Nehru University

• Rajiv Gandhi National Fellowship for SC students to pursue higher education such as M. Phil. and Ph.D.

• Ramanujan Fellowships for brilliant scientists and engineers from all over the world

• JC Bose National Fellowships -

• Sports Authority of India promotional schemes

• Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities - Schemes/Programmes

• Scholarship Schemes for ST Students by Ministry of Tribal Affairs

• Post-matric Scholarships for SC /ST students

• Scholarships for Minority Students

• Online Minority Students Welfare Scholarships System



The Scheme is being conducted since 1986. The main objectives of the vocationalasation of secondary education are to provide diversification of Educational opportunities so as to enhance individual employability. These courses will be provided in general education institutions after the secondary stage with flexible duration ranging from one to three years.

The state Govt. of M.P has set up vocational Education wing in Directorate of Education which is the implementing agency for this scheme in schools. The scheme has been implemented in 262 Higher Secondary Schools. The Vocational courses are grouped under following major areas, viz Agriculture, Business and commerce Engineering and Technology; Health and Para- Medical Services; Home Science; Services and others.Agriculture Economics and Farm Management. Horticulture, Poultry Products, Dairy farming, Farm Mechanics, Office Management, Accounting, Co- operative Management, Steno- typing, Banking Assistant, Store keeping, Fruit and Vegetable Preservation / Food Preservation and Processing, Backery and Confectionery, Garment Making, Fashion Designing And garment Making, Welding Technology and Fabrication, Repair of Radio and T.V., Repair of Scooter, Moped and Motor Cycle, Repair Domestic electrical Appliances and Motor- Rewinding, Computer Application, Photography, Medical Lab. Technician, Hospital House Keeping, Building Construction and Maintenance.


• This scheme is conducted since 1986

• In this scheme the Institutional equipment and Instructional material are provided for the students studying in primary Schools in M.P.

• Provision is made to provide salary of an additional Teacher to these Primary Schools enrolling 100 or more than 100 students for two years.

• In ninth five Year Plan the scheme was extended for middle Schools. Govt. of India provided funds to equip such middle school with Institutional equipment, instructional material and pay the salary, allowances to Shiksha – Karmi Grade 2.

• At present scheme is conducted by Rajiv Gandhi Shiksha Mission .


Under operation Black – Board Scheme the Govt. of India has provided the 45% fund of the total cost of construct school building. 15% fund is provided by Department of Panchayat and social Welfare . The rest 40% has been contributed by School Education Department from its Plan limit.

• Under this scheme an aims is to construct school building for 1613 primary schools consisting two Class Rooms, one Varandah, one Teacher Room and separate toilets to boys and girls .

• In this scheme 1157 primary school building (CHHATISGARH) are to be constructed at the cost of Rs two lakh each. For this purpose Govt. Of India and social welfare department has released 45% and 15% funds respectively.


• The scheme is initiated since October 1987 to achieve improvement in quality of science Education at the level of middle schools, High school and H.S. School.

• The Main objectives of this scheme are to provide fund for science kits in middle schools, Books on Science in the libraries of high and Higher Secondary Schools, up gradation of laboratories of High Secondary schools, establishment of Laboratories in High Schools. The Scheme also aims for the training of teacher.


This is a scheme of Govt. of India to initiate volunteering teaching of Science, Mathematics, Social Studies, Hindi and English in Madarsa and Maqtabs.

• In this scheme all such voluntary organisation/committees/trusts are competent to take part, which are registered according to the central/state govt acts and are in existence for the last three years or more.

• under this scheme the financial aid is provided for the purchase of Science kit, Mathematics kit, Books and salary of additional teacher in Madarsas / Maqlabs enrolling 40 or more than 40 students in each of them.


• This scheme is sponsored completely by Govt. of India, with a provision of Financial Aid. The scheme has come in the control of school Education Department when it was transferred by Social Welfare Department in 1992.

• The Aim of this scheme is to make efforts to bring all different disabled boys and girls that are studying in general/common schools of school Education Department in the main stream and after linking them with main stream of education for disabled children the goal of Education for all be achieved by providing different economical facilities and educational guidance.

• In this scheme following facilities are provided principally to students:-

a. Books and stationery allowance Rs. 400/- per student per annum.

b. Dress allowance Rs. 200/- per student per annum.

c. Conveyance allowance Rs. 500/- per student per annum.

d. Reading allowance to blind students of class 6th to 12th Rs. 500 per student per annum.

e. Road safety allowance to those students which have disability below abdomen Rs. 750/- per student per annum.

f. For assisting instruments once in every five years maximum Rs. 2000/- per student.

• Under the scheme there is a provision to appoint Resource teachers and for their training also with a provision to establishment a Resource Centre in each District.

• Under the scheme Govt. of India provides financial Aid to Voluntary organisations.


• Class Project is a centrally sponsored scheme in full.

• This scheme was started in M.P. during 1996-97.

• During 1997-98 the scheme was named as Revised class project. The scheme is meant for H.S. School.

• Under the scheme every such school selected was provided one pentium computer and four Dimb-Jist Terminal.

• In the scheme the computer Hardware and Software are also supplied.

• Under software every such school is provided Unix ware and Uniflex.

• Initially the computer training was imparted by the computer trained teacher of the School.


• The scheme is launched by Govt. of India to develop Sanskrit Education in the country during 1998-99.

• The scheme aims to award the well learned in Kalidas Samaroh in which training of sanskrit teachers and various scholarships are included. In addition to the above aim the scheme aims to provide Grant in the form of salary of the teachers of Sanskrit primary schools as received by Govt. of India.


• The aim of this scheme is to provide information to every citizen on the cost which is least as possible as and to propagate the use of information Technology up to 2003 in Govt. High schools/H.S. schools by setting a goal of computer Training in all such educational institutions.

• In this scheme the state Govt. has taken following decisions for the propagation information Technology.

a. Preparation of phase wise proposals for every year to ensure the access of the schools to computer/Internet.

b. Provisions be made to provide computer education in educational Institutions in least time without any Govt. investment by associating Investors of private sector.

c. Permission will be given to use the available space in the school after teaching time for commercial purposes.

d. The training of the computer course will not be compulsory but will be imparted voluntarily.

e. The scheme will not be implemented in the schools where class/clap projects are running.

f. 400 sq. ft space with electric supply of Government school building/campus will be made available free of cost for the training centre.

g. The cost of electricity will be borne by the bidder.

h. Under school education the training course will be in two categories.

i. (i) For the students of class IX & X

(ii) For the students of class XI & XII

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