Objectives of The Trust


  • Diffusion of useful knowledge, skill training and promoting self entrepreneurships among weaker and deprived section of the society. 
  • To institute studentships, scholarships, stipends, medals, prizes, etc. to help and encourage deserving students, scholars and teachers for pursuing their education and Providing for grants, scholarships, fellowships and other forms of financial assistance to the deserving students, vocational training, skill development, etc.
  • To establish, construct, maintain, run, develop, improve, extend grant donate for and to aid in the construction, establishment, maintenance, improvement or extension of reading rooms, libraries, schools, colleges, polytechnics and other educational institutions including vocational training centers and hostels for students pursuing their studies and to establish, run, support and grant aid or other financial assistance to schools, colleges, libraries, reading rooms, universities, laboratories, research and other institutions of the like nature in India.
  • To organize, conduct and assist in the organizing and conduct of lectures, seminars and symposium on arts, science, commerce and spread of literacy and adult education and other subjects of general academic interest.
  • Construction and running of schools, colleges, education institutions for weaker and deprived sections of the society.
  • Granting of financial assistance to any educational institution for granting scholarships, prizes, medals, awards for excellence in studies, sports and scientific research, distribution of books and note books for deserving students.
  • To run/operate/arrange/assist/establish/construct and maintain centers of adult education, skill training, vocational education, technical training, and low cost education, formal & non-formal education.
  • To provide career guidance with help of experts
  • To promote free/subsidized coaching
  • To do all that is necessary and incidental, for the purpose of achieving the objects in (i) to (x) above.


  • To run/organize/promote different health programmes to raise the health status and awareness.
  • To establish, maintain, run, develop, improve, extend, grant, donate for and to aid in the establishment, maintenance, running development, improvement and extension of hospitals, clinics, dispensaries, medical laboratories, research units and similar institutions affording treatment, cure, rest, recuperations and other medical relief to persons suffering from any disease/elements.
  • To promote traditional therapies like Yoga, Naturopathy, Meditation, Acupressure, Acupuncture, Massage Therapy, Ayurveda, Homeopathy, Reiki etc.     
  • To promote and coordinating for free vaccination to kids and adult, and heath literacy.
  • To establish, maintain develop or donate for the establishment, maintenance and development of blood banks, medicine banks/shops and medical labs for different tests.
  • To organize, run and assist in the organizing and running of free medical camps.
  • To reimburse medical and other expense incurred for the treatment at recognized hospitals
  • To do all that is necessary and incidental, for the purpose of achieving the objects in (i) to (vii) above.


  • To provide relief by giving cash grants or assistance in kind, in cases of atrocities or natural calamities, like earth quakes, floods, famines, etc.
  • To assist in providing legal help and social justice
  • To help in protection of human right violations or fundamental rights violations
  • To assist, encourage and promote the dowry free marriages
  • To assist or promote or encourage marriages amongst various castes/subcastes to eradicate casteism and improve harmony in the society
  • To assist or provide or coordinate for affordable housing and other infrastructural facilities in constructing low cost houses, Hostels, Dharamshala, Community Hall, Marriage Hall, Rest Houses, Recreation center, Clubs, Sports facilities, etc.
  • To spread, help, facilitate and/or coordinate for government welfare schemes in formulation and implementation and any other incentives given by the government.
  • To train workers and especially women for the various employment opportunities
  • To establish and run various vocational/skill training centers to help youth to develop their self employment skills
  • To assist the people in need to undertake improved animal husbandry, cottage and small scale industries and cooperative ventures to enhance their economic condition and to effect sustainable development
  • To establish and run various types of industries, stone metal crusher unit etc., for the creation of employment generation of women & rural peoples.
  • To help unemployed persons by making availability of Technical training & other economic help
  • To award for promting those who are already working for the upliftment of Weaker and Deprived Sections of the society
  • To empower the weaker and deprived through various means of government schemes and other measures as decided by the Board of Trust from time to time.


  • To preserve and protect the environment by tree plantation, cleaning, watering, etc.
  • Spreading awareness about preservation of environment
  • To preserve monuments
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