Girls Related Scheme
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Purpose: To establish an enabling environment to reduce the drop outs and to promote the enrolment of girl child belonging to SC/ST communities in secondary schools and ensure their retention up to the 18 years of age.residential schools for girls from SC, ST, OBC and Minority communities. to promote the girl child’s enrolment of 14-18 years age group at secondary stage, who passes class VIII and subsequently drops out for various socio-economic reasons. The Scheme will cover (i) all SC/ST girls who pass class VIII and (ii) girls, who pass class VIII examination from Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidhalayas (irrespective of whether they belong to Scheduled Castes or Tribes) and enroll for class IX in State/UT Government, Government-aided or local body schools. Married girls will be excluded from the scheme. To be eligible for the benefit under the scheme the girl should be unmarried and should be below 16 years of age. The application will be verified particularly with reference to birth certificate issued by the School Head based on enrollment record.

Procedure:Implementation Partners: State/ UT Governments, Schools controlled and managed by State Governments, Local Bodies and Aided Private Schools and Panchayati Raj Institutions will be the implementing partners. The amount of incentive may be released to the State/ UT Governments for depositing, the same in favour of the eligible girls.

Financial Parameters: A sum of Rs. 3000 (Rupees three thousand only) would be deposited under term deposit/ fixed deposit in a public sector bank or in a post office in the name of every eligible girl child. The term/ period of the deposit may be counted from the date of deposit to the date on which the girl child attains the age of 18 years. No premature withdrawal will be allowed.

Process of Execution: Every implementing school may prepare a proposal for release of amount of incentive after proper examining the eligibility criteria and submit it to the State Governments/ UTs through proper channel. State/ UT Governments will send a consolidated proposal to the Department of School Education and Literacy, Ministry of HRD, New Delhi. An account will be opened in the name of the beneficiary in the nearest public sector bank or in a post office by the implementing agency (State/ UT Governments or the autonomous organizations, as the case may be) and the amount deposited in a Fixed Term Deposit:. A passbook or a certificate would be given to the student, which will also identify her as a beneficiary of the scheme.The beneficiary will have to continue her study at least for two years in the secondary school after her enrollment in Class IX in order to avail the benefit under the scheme. The Principal/ Head of the school will furnish a certificate to this effect.To be eligible to draw the matured amount a pre-condition would be for the beneficiary to pass class X Board examination successfully.On attaining 18 years of age and production of (i) 10th class pass certificate and (ii) a certificate from the Principal / Head of the school that the girl beneficiary has continued her study for at least two years after enrolment in Class IX the implementing agency will authorize the bank to transfer the matured amount in the interest bearing.

Time Period: Every implementing school may complete the exercise of identification of eligible girl child and preparation of proposal within one month of the commencement of the academic year. The State/ UT Governments will prepare the consolidated proposal and send to the Department of school Education & Literacy, Ministry of HRD, New Delhi within three months of the commencement of the academic year.
Purpose: It will replace The Nutrition Programme for Adolescent Girls which was launched in 2002-03 to address nutritional needs of adolescent girls, improving their health nutrition, up gradation of home skills, life skills and vocational skills.. It is to be implemented by the Ministry of Women and Child Development. The funds are provided by the central government to the state government in the form of 100% grants. It is implemented in the following districts of  RAJASTHAN:-

Bhilwara, Jodhpur, Banswara, Udaipur, Jhalawar, Dungarpur, Bikaner, Jaipur, Barmer, Ganganagar.

Eligibility: The scheme targets girl children between the ages of 11 -18.

Procedure: Anganwadi centers will be the focal point. If Anganwadi is not there then schools/Panchayats/community buildings etc. will arrange it.
Purpose: It was launched in 2002-03 to address nutritional needs of adolescent girls, pregnant women and lactating mothers. Under this scheme,6 kg. of food-grains were given to under nourished adolescent girls, pregnant women and lactating mothers according to their weight. It is implemented in the rest districts where SABLA is not implemented.

Procedure: Implemented by the Ministry of Women and Child Development. The funds are provided by the central government to the state government in the form of 100% grants. The food is meant to be provided through the Public distribution system for no cost to the families identified in this scheme.

Eligibility: Girl children between the ages of 11 -19 who are less than 35 kgs.
Purpose: To provide the required literacy and numeracy skills through the non-formal stream of education, to stimulate a desire for more social exposure and knowledge and to help them improve their decision making capabilities; to train and equip the adolescent girls to improve/ upgrade home-based and vocational skills; to promote awareness of health, hygiene, nutrition and family welfare, home management and child care, and to take all measure as to facilitate their marrying only after attaining the age of 18 years and if possible, even later;

Eligibility: To improve the nutritional and health status of girls in the age group of 11-18 years;

Procedure: It is implemented in the rest districts where SABLA is not implemented. Under this option, adolescent girl groups can be formed at Anganwadi Centres and regular supply of IFA and deworming tablets may be ensured along with provisions for nutritional and health education. The other option is to emphasize life education, which may include knowledge of physical and psychological developmental processes including the psychosexual development.
The adolescent girls may be congregated at Anganwadi Centres and the education could be provided through experts, consultants, NGOs and speicialised Government functionaires.

vocational training activities may be undertaken for adolescent girls for their economic empowerment. At Anganwadi Centres, a group of 20-25 girls may be identified by the Supervisor (Mukhya Sevika). Of these, nomination of 2 selected girls from each Anganwadi Centre may be sent to the Office of District Programme Officer.

State Governments/UT Administrations may involve Panchayati Raj institutions, NGOs. other institutions for implementation of the Scheme. This scheme is sponsored by  Department Of Women And Child Development, Ministry Of Human Resource Development, Government Of India.
Purpose: to raise the status of the girl child. to increase enrolment and retention of girls in schools, to raise the marriage age of girls and to create income opportunities and activities. Hence now the girl child can receive:
  • A post birth grant amount of Rs. 500/
  • Eligible for annual scholarships for education according to class.
Class Amount of Annual Scholarship
I-III Rs. 300/- per annum for each class
IV Rs. 500/- per annum
V Rs. 600/- per annum
VI-VII Rs. 700/- per annum for each class
VIII Rs. 800/- per annum
IX-X Rs. 1000/- per annum for each class
Part of the money given to the girl child at birth or in scholarships can be put aside for paying the premium on an insurance policy in the name of the girl child under the Bhagyashri Balika Kalyan Bima Yojna. Under this scheme the girl child can withdraw the scholarship amount and interest when she turns 18. If she marries or dies before she is eighteen the amount incurred in interest bearing account will be withdrawn.

Eligibility: any girl child born between 2 December 2003 and 1 December 2004 can have account opened for her till 1 December 2015.

Procedure: Sukanya Samriddhi Scheme.Under the scheme account can be opened in post offices or scheduled commercial banks only by natural or legal guardians, the child can operate it after she turns 10. Natural or legal guardian of a girl child will be allowed to open accounts for two girl children only except if the depositor has twin girls as second birth or if the first birth itself results into three girl children.  The minimum investment is Rs 1,000 a year. Further investments have to be in multiples of Rs 100. The maximum amount one can deposit is Rs 1.5 lakh, irrespective of the number of accounts. One has to deposit at least Rs 1,000 every year. An account where the minimum amount has not been deposited can be revived by paying a penalty of Rs 50 and the minimum amount for each year during which the account holder has not paid. The scheme is offering an interest rate of 9.1% a year. Premature withdrawal of 50% of the amount at the end of the previous financial year is allowed for the purpose of the girl's higher education or marriage after she turns 18. If the money is not withdrawn even after the girl is 21, it will continue to earn interest. The account can be transferred anywhere in the country. Deposits may be made till completion of 14 years from the date of opening of the account. The account shall mature on completion of 21 years from the date of opening of the account or if the girl gets maarried before that.
Purpose: To support parents of SC children for education of their wards studying in classes IX and X so that the incidence of drop-out, especially in the transition from the elementary to the secondary stage is minimized, and To improve participation of SC children in classes IX and X of the pre-metric stage.
Eligibility: 1.Parent/Guardian's income should not exceed Rs. 2 lakh per annum.
  1. Should not be getting any other Centrally-funded Pre-Matric Scholarship.
  2. Should be a regular, full time student studying in aGovernment School or in a School recognized by Govt. or aCentral/State Board of Secondary Education.
  3. Scholarship for studying in any class will be available for only one year. If a student has to repeat a class, she / he would not getscholarship for that class for a second (or subsequent) year.
Rates of scholarship and other grant will be as follows:

Day Scholars Hostellers
Scholarship (Rs. p.m.) (for 10 months) 150 350
Books and Ad hoc Grant (Rs. p.a.) 750 1000
Additional Allowances for students with disabilities studying in Private un-aided Schools

(In Rs.)

(i) Monthly Reader Allowance for Blind students


(ii) Monthly Transport Allowance for students with disabilities (as defined in the Persons with Disabilities Act 1995), if such students do not reside in the hostel which is within the premises of the Educational Institution.


(iii) Monthly Escort Allowance for Severely Disabled (i.e. with 80% or higher disability) Day Scholars/Students with low extremity disability


(iv) Monthly Helper Allowance admissible to any employee of the hostel willing to extend help to a severely orthopaedically handicapped student residing in the hostel of an Educational Institution who may need the assistance of a helper.


(v) Monthly Coaching Allowance to Mentally Retarded and Mentally ill Students


Procedure: The Scheme is Centrally Sponsored Scheme and implemented by theState Governments and Union Territory Administrations, which will receive 100% central assistance from Government of India for expenditure under the Scheme.scholarship will be payable for 10 months in an academic year. The award once made will continue subject to good conduct and regularity in attendance. It will be renewed for Class X after the student passes Class IX. Scholarship is payable from 1st April or from the month of admission, whichever is later, to the month in which the examinations are completed, at the end of the academic year (including scholarship during holidays), provided that if the scholar secures admission after the 20th day of a month, the amount will be paid from the month following the month of admission.

The Scheme will be implemented through State Governments/U.T. Administrations.State Govt. would prescribe a suitable application form in the local language and place it on its websites. School authorities will get these forms filled by the eligible students and send them to Block / District level authorities. State Governments/UT Administrations will delegate powers to sanction scholarships under the scheme to appropriate District / Block level authorities/ Heads of Institution, as appropriate. Application complete in all respects, shall be submitted to the Head of the Institution/School.
The Government of India introduced the scheme from Rabi 1999-2000 season to protect the farmers against losses suffered by them due to crop failure on account of natural calamities. The scheme is currently implemented by Agriculture Insurance Company of India (AICIL). The scheme is available to all the farmers, loanee and non-loanee, irrespective of size of their holding. The scheme covers all food crops (cereals, millets and pulses) and oil seeds and Annual commercial/ horticultural crops. At present, 10% subsidy on premium is available to small & marginal farmers. NAIS is presently being implemented in 24 States and 2 Union Territories except in States of Punjab & Arunachal Pradesh. Nagaland has given consent to implement the scheme and Rajasthan has decided to implement WBCIS in place of NAIS. Since the inception of the scheme and until up to 31.03.11 about 176 million farmers have been insured, covering an area of 269 million hectares for a sum insured value of Rs. 2,21,213 crore, against a premium of Rs. 6589 crore. Claims to the tune of about Rs. 22190 crore have been reported so far benefiting nearly 47.6 million farmers representing a claim ratio of 1:3.37.

Claims are automatically calculated based on shortfall in the current season yield obtained from crop cutting experiments conducted by State Governments under General Crops Estimation Survey (GCES) as compared to threshold yield and settled through the rural banking network. The Company is making efforts to bring the remaining States/ UTs into the fold of NAIS.
Pilot MNAIS was launched for implementation in 50 districts during Rabi 2010-11 season. Modified NAIS has many improvements over NAIS like the insurance unit for major crops has been lowered down to village / village Panchayat, minimum indemnity level has been raised to 70%, threshold yield is based on past seven years' yield excluding a maximum of two calamity years, pre-sowing and post-harvest loss are covered. Besides these, On-account payment of claims during the season and payment of claims for sowing failure have also been included. The benefit of individual assessment of claims due to localized calamities i.e. hailstorm and landslide has been extended to all the notified areas.

The minimum number of CCEs required to be conducted at village / village Panchayat level, for all crops except groundnut, has been reduced to four.

AIC implemented MNAIS during Rabi 2010-11 in 32 Districts across 12 States. More than 3.45 lac farmers were covered for a sum insured of Rs. 69193 lac. The gross premium was Rs. 45.20 crore, of which premium collected from farmers was Rs. 2293 lac. Claims of Rs. 22.45 lac due to localized calamity i.e. hailstorm have been paid to 3842 farmers in Uttar Pradesh while losses reported in Andhra Pradesh are being assessed and would be paid soon. The final claims due to yield loss, shall be paid after receipt of yield data from the State Governments.

Assam, Gujarat, Jharkhand, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Uttar Pradesh and Mizoram States have so far issued Notification for implementation of MNAIS during Kharif 2011 for 20 districts.

Other States expected to notify the pilot MNAIS during Kharif 2011 season are Andhra Pradesh (3 districts), Bihar (3 districts), Tamilnadu (3 districts), Uttarakhand (2 districts) and Haryana (1 district).
Orissa (5 districts) & Chhatisgarh (1 district) who piloted during Rabi 2010-11 have decided not to implement the pilot during Kharif 2011, mainly due to increased load of CCEs at Village Panchayat level.
NPEGEL is implemented in educationally backward blocks (EBB) Eligibility: addresses the needs of girls who are „in‟ as well as „out‟ of school. NPEGEL also reaches out to girls who are enrolled in school, but do not attend school regularly.

Procedure: NPEGEL emphasizes the responsibility of teachers to recognize vulnerable girls and pay special attention to bring them out of their state of vulnerability and prevent them from dropping out.
The Scheme of Inclusive Education for Disabled at Secondary Stage (IEDSS) This Scheme replaces the earlier scheme of Integrated Education for Disabled Children (IEDC) and would provide assistance for the inclusive education of the disabled children in classes IX-XII. The aim of the Centrally Sponsored Scheme of IEDSS is to enable all students with disabilities, after completing eight years of elementary schooling, to pursue further four years of secondary schooling (classes IX to XII) in an inclusive and enabling environment.
The Scheme of Inclusive Education for Disabled at Secondary Stage (IEDSS) This Scheme replaces the earlier scheme of Integrated Education for Disabled Children (IEDC) and would provide assistance for the inclusive education of the disabled children in classes IX-XII. The aim of the Centrally Sponsored Scheme of IEDSS is to enable all students with disabilities, after completing eight years of elementary schooling, to pursue further four years of secondary schooling (classes IX to XII) in an inclusive and enabling environment.
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